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A Banking Blog with Information Centered Around You.

The Central Bank banking blog is your go-to source for insight aimed at helping you better manage your finances -- and continue working toward your personal and business banking goals. Read on, soak up useful information and stay in the know. Our banking blog is here to help.


Navigating the Business Loan Process: A Guide to Get You Started

A business loan can be a powerful tool for a new venture working to get off the ground, or for an established company with sights set on growth. But understanding the best way to approach the application process — and how to determine your company’s proper fit — can be complex. Central Bank is here to help.

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Financial Forecast and Company Considerations in the New Year

As companies everywhere transition from one year to the next, their leaders find themselves wondering what lies ahead. From curiosity about the next big financial forecast to what — if any — changes to make to a firm’s financial approach, now is the time for reflection, education and action. Central Bank’s business banking experts are here to make things easier.

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5 Questions to Ask on Your Search to Find a Local Bank

The decision to set out and find a local bank or other institution you can trust with your finances can be overwhelming. After all, a good bank isn’t just a place to store your money. It’s a place that provides the opportunity for your money to grow, security knowing your funds are protected and flexibility to work with you as your personal and professional financial goals evolve. 

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Optimizing Cash Management & Maximizing Returns on Business Deposits

Owning or managing a business is an extreme undertaking that requires a strategic approach — and quality support from the right services. Adequate cash flow management paired with opportunities that allow your money to work for you on multiple levels can play a key role in helping your business find success.

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What ACH Bank Services Offer Businesses

In a world where business is constantly moving increasingly faster, companies are always seeking out ways to streamline operations while saving time. For those that devote excessive time and energy into managing regular payments, ACH bank services can be a powerful tool.

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Understanding and Addressing Elder Financial Abuse

Elder financial abuse can be a difficult subject to broach. Not only is it difficult to grasp a fraudster’s willingness to target some of the most vulnerable members of a community, but it can be hard to address the victim of fraud (or even attempted fraud) without causing undue embarrassment. At Central Bank, however, we know even uncomfortable conversations can be important, especially as they relate to issues that have the potential to jeopardize a person’s financial future.

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How a Quality Treasury Management System Fuels Business Success

Modern-day business moves faster than ever. To keep up, a company’s owners often find themselves managing multiple financial tasks at once — and that’s on top of everyday operations. A treasury management system can go a long way toward saving time and stress in the delicate balancing act that is running a business.

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Cybersecurity Threats: Your Local Bank is Dedicated to Educating and Keeping Data Safe

In today's digital age, many — if not most — people’s financial lives have moved online. And, while it is convenient to be able to access and manage funds anyplace you have an internet connection, doing so isn’t without its risks. Remember, as technology evolves, so do cybercriminals’ tactics. And missteps could place your important data at risk of cybersecurity threats.

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Unlocking Business Potential: The Power of Factoring Services

Owning and managing a modern-day business is no small feat. It takes countless parts and pieces coming together in just the right way, a careful approach to organization — and cash flow management that ensures you have the proper funds in place to cover purchases, bill payments and payroll. Factoring services can serve as an invaluable financial tool to help keep businesses funded and moving successfully forward.   

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The Insured Cash Sweep Account: Added Protection for Large-Sum Accounts

As discussions surrounding recent — and potential future — bank failures continue making headlines across media outlets, people everywhere find themselves wondering whether their hard-earned money is in safe hands. At Central Bank we think it’s important to not just place minds at ease, but to explain the specific tools and resources available to keep your money protected. For instance, Insured Cash Sweep® (ICS) is a useful option for anyone who prefers doing business with their hometown bank.

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